sedih meninggalkan n ditinggalkan kawan2.
keep in touch yaa..
really miss home. 2 hari lg pn dah xblh tggu dah.
so semalam decide no matter what nk blk jg harini.
nnt handbook for practical tu my friend tlg pos kn. hehe tq kak solehah.
n finally i'm home. yeayyyy !
alhamdullillah selamat sampai.
as always, my way home with pancaran matahari.
'menyinari perjalanan anda' cewahhhh promote nii.
best+cozy+adaaa astro. hehe siap layaann cita bicara hati lg td.
pastu tdooo je smpai la dh nk smpai bru bgn.
p/s : td masa kt bus station seksyen 17, zaty terjumpa irine nadia marcello with her tunang. comel kecik je irine tu. n tunang dia muka mcm EA. btulll ! xtipu. they are on their way to be husband n wife. muda sgt lg..
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